Oil Change At Eurofuel With New Board Level Appointments – OilFiredUp

At its recent General Assembly, held in Leuven, Belgium, the European Heating Oil Association – better known simply as Eurofuel – which claims to represent the oil heating industry at supranational level across the United Kingdom and European Union, elected Dr. Ernst-Moritz Bellingen as the its new President, replacing OFTEC’s Jeremy Hawksley. Dr. Bellingen is the Energy Policy Director of the German Institute for Heating and Oil Technology (IWO).

Martin Reichard  from IWO Austria was elected as Vice-President and Willem Voets from Informazout in Belgium, was elected Treasurer for Eurofuel. Mohamed Abdelmoumene from Alliance Solutions Fioul in France, will replace Dr. Bellingen as President of Eurofuel’s Technical Commission.

Dr. Bellingen has been President of Eurofuel’s Technical Commission since 2005 and is well known in Brussels. He has been working for IWO since 1996. As the director in charge of energy policy, he has been representing the sector’s interests in technical and political circles at national and EU level.

Speaking after his appointment, Dr. Bellingen said, “Together with the new Secretary General Tristan Suffys and the re-elected Vice-President, Martin Reichard, my main objective will be to demonstrate that heating oil is part of the solution to current energy policy challenges. High performance boilers, hybrid systems incorporating renewable sources, as well as power to heat technologies will enable oil heating solutions to achieve the EU’s ambitious energy and climate objectives.”